戸丸 信弘

生命農学研究科 教授
メンバー紹介 一覧

Nobuhiro Tomaru, Ph.D., Prof., Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences


To clarify the evolution of forest tree species, I am studying genetic diversity and population structure on a geographical scale and interspecific hybridization. In addition, from the viewpoint of molecular ecology, I am conducting research to understand the maintenance mechanism of genetic diversity in forest tree populations by clarifying mating system, gene flow via seed and pollen dispersals, and spatial genetic structure within populations. From the viewpoint of conservation genetics, I also work on the conservation of endangered plant species. The research keywords are population genetics, conservation genetics, population genomics, adaptation, and molecular ecology.

(和文) https://www.agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~seitai/index-j.html
(英文) https://www.agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~seitai/index-e.html

(和文) http://profs.provost.nagoya-u.ac.jp/view/html/100000362_ja.html
(英文) http://profs.provost.nagoya-u.ac.jp/view/html/100000362_en.html

(和文題目): 集団ゲノミクスによるブナ種内の適応・中立進化プロセスの解明
(英文題目): Elucidation of the processes of adaptive and neutral evolution in Fagus crenata using population genomics

メンバー紹介 一覧