石坂 丞二

宇宙地球環境研究所 教授
メンバー紹介 一覧


Joji Ishizaka, Ph.D., Prof., Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE)






Temporal and special variability of ocean biological production and the influence from the human activity is studying by remote sensing technology. Ocean color remote sensing is useful to understand the variability of phytoplankton which is the main primary producer in the aquatic environment with various time scale. Human is changing the ocean water quality, amount and species of phytoplankton, and whole marine ecosystem with changing the climate as well as nutrient loads from river. However, the changing condition is not well known. More than 20 years of ocean color remote sensing data is accumulated, and recently data from new Japanese mission, Global Change Observation Mission-Climate (GCOM-C), was also available. I am developing the quantification method of primary production, red tide and others, and doing the application research.



(和文) http://co2.hyarc.nagoya-u.ac.jp/

(英文) http://co2.hyarc.nagoya-u.ac.jp/index_e.html



(和文) http://co2.hyarc.nagoya-u.ac.jp/labhp/member/ishizaka/index-j.htm

(英文) http://co2.hyarc.nagoya-u.ac.jp/labhp/member/ishizaka/index.htm




(和文題目): 貧栄養化が進む日本沿岸の基礎生産量変動の実態解明:伊勢湾を例として

(英文題目): Change of primary production in Japanese coastal water under the oligotrophication; Ise Bay




(和文題目): GCOM-Cプロダクトの沿岸検証データセット取得と沿岸応用研究

(英文題目): c



メンバー紹介 一覧